Root Grapples

Spartan Equipment skid steer root grapple attachments, compatible with most major makes and models of skid steer loaders, are available here in multiple sizes and configurations. With manipulable hydraulic upper tines, these root grapple attachments excel at moving, lifting, and loading large, cumbersome and irregular debris like roots, pipes, logs, and construction and demolition debris. They’re also perfect for disaster cleanup in flooded areas as the slotted design of the skid steer grapple bucket allows water, sand, and fine debris to filter through. Like all Spartan Equipment attachments, they are made in the United States with American steel and will Never Surrender.
Uses for a Skid Steer Grapple Attachment
Skid steer grapples are among the most versatile of all attachments. They can be used for lifting and wrangling large unwieldy objects, such as rocks and boulders, logs, and stumps, as well as for consolidating scrap, brush and burn piles. The slotted bucket design allows water and loose material like gravel and sand to filter through, making them perfect attachments for disaster cleanup, and they’re also useful for demolition work. In addition, they can be effective for ripping out roots and stumps, and for other land-clearing projects.
Do You Need a Root Grapple or a Grapple Rake?
Whether you need a skid steer root grapple or a grapple rake depends on what you need the attachment for in the first place. If you need a larger tool to consolidate and manage large volumes of brush or debris, a rake is probably a better option. If you need an attachment that offers a higher degree of dexterity for brush and materials handling, it’s hard to beat the movable tines of a root grapple or bucket.