Tips & Tricks Buyer's Guide


Interested in saving money on a Used Skid Steer Loader, Mini Excavator or Compact Track Loader Attachments? Sometimes, buying used attachments is a smart way to go. Other times, you'd be better off not buying anything at all. Here are a few ways you can make sure you get a good deal on used attachments.


Don’t Buy Used Attachments Without a Money Back Guarantee

We shouldn't have to say it, but some buyers still make this mistake: don't buy a used attachment without trying it yourself or getting a Money Back Guarantee. Don't let your interest in a good deal get the better of your common sense. Even if the seller seems trustworthy, even if it's a brand or model that has a stellar reliability record, even if you take a look at the vehicle and it looks good, there is no substitute for a thorough demonstration or money back guarantee.

A five minute jaunt around the parking lot isn't going to cut it, either. Dig, dump, lift, scrape, and push – whatever the equipment is supposed to do, put it through its paces.

  Money Back Guarantee

Look carefully...
Go over the used attachment you're investigating slowly and carefully. New paint jobs, sometimes are meant to cover up a lot of problems. Look for evidence of rust patching or cover-up – poke suspect areas with a tool to be sure. Check underneath the attachment for evidence of leaks. Inspect hoses and valves before and after the demo, so you easily spot fresh leaks. (Auctioneers and many equipment brokers are notorious for using simple paint jobs in an attempt to raise values of the equipment they are trying pawn off to you the buyer)

... But use all your senses
When you're testing out used attachment; don't go by your eyes alone. Listen to the the hydraulics as you're testing it out – is the attachment straining more than it should? After it's been running for a while, are there any smells of burning oil or electrical problems? Do the controls feel as responsive as they should?


If possible, buy from established companies with great reputations like Spartan Equipment.

You're much more likely to have problems if you buy used attachments from individuals, brokers, auctions or from businesses that don't focus on used compact construction equipment. Spartan Equipment offers several advantages when it comes to buying used attachments:

  • We have a excellent reputation in the industry, whether selling used or new attachments (See Customer References)
  • We know that if you're buying used attachments from us now, you're likely to need other attachments and items in the future and we want you coming back
  • We are better able to inspect and repair any potential problems with the attachments we are selling it to you (See Certified Inspection)
  • We provide the best-limited warranties – from 30 to 365 days – to insure you against any major component problems. (See Warranties)
  • We are the only company Nationwide to offer A (Money Back Guarantee) on used attachments.

Not all construction equipment manufactures, dealers or brokers are very familiar with used attachments. In some cases, the broker, dealer or individual may be working out of his home or farm and not even have a qualified technician or proper facility to do repairs and may do more business in full size equipment, or sell mostly new equipment, while used attachments represent only a small portion of their sales. Some other brokers or individuals selling attachments today do not offer warranties or even attempt to sell stolen attachments and do not offer any service or repair on the attachment before selling it.  Here at Spartan Equipment we specialize in the sale of Certified Inspected new and used attachments from quality brand names like Bobcat, Caterpillar, Case, New Holland, John Deere, Kubota, Volvo, Takeuchi, Gehl, Mustang and others. We know that due to the fact that we sell such a high volume of new and used attachments we will be able to do a better job of helping you make the right choice.

The stress and wear that attachments may undergo also means that your relationship with Spartan Equipment is important for the peace of mind in purchasing equipment from us due to the potential high cost of maintenance and repairs – especially when buying used attachments. You'll want to make sure the company you choose is familiar with all types used attachments and provides excellent service policies, warranties and staff, and is someone you'll be able to work with easily.  Read more about Spartan Equipment's. Certified Inspection Money Back Guarantee or Warranties Available.

Choosing a company you feel is honest with you and who is easy to work with is very important to us: those impressions are often accurate. Saving a few hundred dollars on a used attachment is insignificant compared to the ongoing costs you’ll incur over the years you may own the attachment. Instead of focusing on the initial price only, we hope that you will concentrate on establishing a relationship with our company, which we know you will find to be trustworthy and easy to work with.

If you're in the market for a new or used attachment for your Bobcat, Case, New Holland, CAT, Kubota, Volvo, Takeuchi, Gehl, Mustang or any other major brand of compact construction equipment, Spartan Equipment can help you find the right attachment for your jobsite application. Fill out one simple form and we'll match you with the best equipment for your job. Equipment Request Form